About me
As a father of two young children I recently rediscovered the passion for asking why. Actually questioning the status quo is one of the constants in my life. How does this work? Why do we do it like this? Can we do it other, maybe better way? These are the questions I am asking a lot. Having some basic knowledge or expertise is key to be worthy in any society. Understanding and viewing the current state/process/problem from different perspectives is a solid ground for making improvements. Then there is this leap of faith into the unknown of trying new ways and possibly also making mistakes. But with courage, creativity and persistence onboard, there is very high probability of success.
I’m part of a small team supporting business people with answers. These answers are usually needed fast and precise, based on data of vast volumes spread around many systems. Data visualization is my dominant power, but behind the scenes there is lots of data integration (APIs), processing and management. We’re also called automation team as we’re transforming many processes done manualy into automated solutions. As an exchange for my technical expertise I learnd a lot about logistics, planning and business partner management.
When this position was opened I could not resist to try it out. Being respnosible for for the whole waste sortation process included: managing shifts of workers, watching over them at sortaton stations as well as watching over businesses and their waste management. Reporting to mayor and his team on how the process is going and what can be improved for next years, was just a cherry on top of this great experience.
Becoming data scientist was one of my dreams come true. Directing huge loads of data to find its place and show its value was one of my first tasks. I was also responsible for bussines intelligence and data visualization, done primarly in PowerBI. Then I’ve been working on a project of peopleless sauna, building up an ecosystem (consiting of mobile APPs and IOT devices) from scratch. Apart from development I was also coordinating a team of 5 people working on the solution.
I was a package maintainer for both Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. My work included Java and C, but also scripting in bash or Python. Besides the basic bug-fixing or RPMs, I came across technologies like Software Collections and Containers.
I joined scouts when I was 10 and since then I love being one of them. I went under a proper scout leadership education, earning a decree. Being a troop leader requires lots of creativity, communication and managerial skills. The scout movement raise, educate and train children and the youth to become independent, responsible, active and open minded citizens. I think that in my case it proved to be true.